About Co-Action

CoAction is a non-profit, co-operative staff association for the individuals who work in housing co-ops, either directly employed by the co-op or through a management company. We have members across Ontario but are primarily based in the Greater Toronto area.

August 29, 2012

Bob Wiseman rejoins CoAction Board

Reflections from Bob Wiseman

I am happy to re-join the CoAction Board of Directors after an absence of a couple of years. At the same time, I have been chosen as the Staff Association director for the CHFT Board of Directors. I have been a member of CoAction since I became a Co-ordinator at Main-Gerrard Housing Co-op in February of 1989. During the last 23 years, being a member of CoAction has given me a better understanding of the job that I aspire to do and the profession that I attached myself to when I became a co-op manager.

"I achieve that better understanding through my interactions with my colleagues in CoAction at meetings and social gatherings. I also have acquired a better understanding of the work, its challenges and rewards, through the various training opportunities that CoAction organizes."
Most recently, a workshop held at Main-Gerrard Co-op on mental health issues presented both a legal and health practitioner perspective.

Alice Heap

by Mary Jankulak

Alice Heap was an early member of CoAction. She passed away this spring.

Alice and Dan Heap (1993)

I met Alice and Don Heap in the 1980s, while I was volunteering at the El Salvador Information Office, in a church basement at Bloor and Bathurst, and at various Latin American solidarity events. In 1991, I was hired as a constituency assistant in Don's office on Euclid St, which Alice managed – thus was I immediately immersed in a workplace environment where priorities were set according to a decidedly social justice perspective, and where the easiest path was not the one automatically chosen.
Bill Clinton had said in his 1992 presidential campaign that in electing him, the nation would also benefit from Hillary's expertise and "get two for the price of one". I think this was absolutely the case where Alice and Don were concerned.

Co-operative Management Conference and CHF Canada AGM

Gerri Pennie, CoAction President accepted on behalf of CoAction, an award for thirty years of continuous membership in CHF Canada.  CoAction’s report to the CMC was well received.  It provided not only a summary of recent activities, but an overview of the services we offer as well:

CoAction Report to the 2012 CMC

From workshops and socials, to information sharing and support, this has been a very busy year for CoAction.  New people have joined our board, and our workshops have been well received by members and non-members alike.  We have welcomed several new members, and some have retired from co-op work.  CoAction currently serves a membership of fifty, slightly fewer than at the time of the last CMC.  
CMC staff networking lunch
CoAction continues to value the opportunity to work with other staff associations on common projects such as the proposed shared website.  Having the opportunity to learn about the successes and challenges of other staff associations is very important to us.

CoAction Social!

CoAction members are invited to meet up on Tuesday September 4 at 6pm at the The House on Parliament located in Cabbagetown in Toronto

View Larger Map

Looking forward to seeing you all there!

Co-operative Staff Profile - Brian Burch

Brian Burch  - Our Executive Director 
I moved into Don Area Co‑operative Homes in downtown Toronto in the latter part of last century. Since moving into my co‑op I have done everything from delivering newsletters to serving as president, giving back to a community that has always been there when I needed it. My desire to serve on the CHFC board arises from the same spirit---I have safe, secure and affordable housing because generations of activists worked hard to build the co‑operative housing movement and I have a strong desire to use my skills and experience to help ensure our movement continues to be there for those seeking to be a part of a unique experiment in permanently affordable resident controlled housing.

Staff Associations in Ontario

In Ontario there are six staff associations operating today.  We have provided a list of these associations below;

Association of Co‑operative Housing Employees of Eastern Ontario (ACHEEO)
100 - 520 St. Laurent Blvd.
Ottawa, ON K1K 4N1
Phone (613) 736 1058
Fax: (613) 736-5358
E-mail: jpyl@juno.com
Co‑operative Housing Co-ordinators Hamilton-Niagara Area (CHCHNA)
36 Keefer Court, Unit #1A
Hamilton, ON L8V 4V4
Web site: www.ghchf.ca
CoAction Staff Association
260 Adelaide Street East, Box 52
Toronto, ON M5A 1N1
Phone: (416) 575-0810
Fax: (416) 575-0812
E-mail: info@coactionsa.org
Co‑operative Staff Association of Central Ontario (CSACO)
446 Kingscourt Dr. (office)
Waterloo, ON N2K 3R9
Phone: (519) 886-0359
Fax: (519) 886-5593
E-mail: beechwoodco@rogers.com
Co-ordinators Association of Southwestern Ontario (CASO)
P.O. Box 24062 Weston Postal Outlet
London, ON N6H 5C4


CoAction is a non-profit , co-operative staff association for the individuals who work in housing co-ops, either directly employed by the co-op or through a management company.We have members across Ontario but are primarily based in the Greater Toronto area